Bravo Industry Analysis

Bravo's Industry Analysis stands as a pivotal tool for us to gain a concise yet comprehensive understanding of our users' desires and requirements. This analytical endeavor serves as the foundation for driving critical business decisions based on the invaluable data we collect.

By meticulously scrutinizing industry trends, user preferences, and emerging needs, our Industry Analysis equips us with the insights necessary to stay at the forefront of the market. It enables us to identify opportunities, anticipate shifts in user expectations, and align our strategies accordingly.

This ongoing commitment to industry analysis not only ensures that we remain in sync with our users but also positions us to proactively address their evolving needs. It underscores our dedication to data-driven decision-making, which is at the heart of our mission to deliver exceptional value and experiences to our users.

My Role

User Experience Researcher


3 months


Miro, Aha, Microsoft Word


Within the UX Team's relentless commitment to assessing and elevating the user experience, I undertook a proactive role in delving into both the market landscape and the user's perspective. This comprehensive exploration was aimed at achieving two primary objectives:

  • Understanding Current Needs: By meticulously studying the market and user behavior, we sought to gain profound insights into our present-day requirements. This entailed dissecting the existing challenges, opportunities, and pain points that shape our user experience landscape.

  • Charting the Course for Future Research and Discoveries: Equipped with a robust understanding of our current needs, we were well-positioned to chart a strategic roadmap for future research endeavors. This involved identifying areas ripe for exploration, anticipating evolving user demands, and aligning our efforts with a forward-looking perspective.

This proactive approach to market and user research underscored our commitment to not only measuring but enhancing the user's experience. It served as the foundation upon which we could build a future-oriented strategy, ensuring that our user-centric focus remained at the core of our endeavors.

Above is part of the mind map for the proposed analysis process.


The primary objective of this project was to undertake an extensive and in-depth user research analysis, one that would serve as the linchpin for driving informed decisions and catalyzing prosperity at Bravo. To achieve this, we meticulously gathered and synthesized both quantitative and qualitative data, allowing us to derive meaningful insights that would shape the course of our actions.

Notably, this project marked a significant departure from Bravo's previous initiatives, as it represented a pioneering effort in the realm of data synthesis. Prior to this endeavor, there had been no comprehensive analysis that synthesized such a breadth of information. Consequently, this undertaking held immense value for our stakeholders, who recognized its potential to yield substantial impact and influence within the company.

By embarking on this journey of data analysis and synthesis, we aimed to empower Bravo with a wellspring of actionable insights, propelling us toward more informed decision-making and greater prosperity in serving our users and achieving our organizational objectives.


The journey to undertake this ambitious project commenced with a thorough and comprehensive discovery phase. During this initial stage, we engaged in a process of inquiry and brainstorming, driven by a singular question: How could we gain a holistic understanding of the wellness market, while simultaneously pinpointing opportunities to fulfill our users' needs more effectively? This phase involved crafting a structured outline of key questions that would serve as the foundation for our subsequent analysis.

Building upon this foundation, I embarked on a sweeping research endeavor, delving into both the industry landscape and the perspectives of wellness program participants. This exhaustive exploration was driven by an unwavering commitment to leaving no stone unturned. We aimed to cast a wide net and scrutinize every facet of the wellness market, ensuring that our initial inquiries were not only comprehensive but also insightful.

In tandem with this, the UX Team and I engaged in candid interviews with Bravo's stakeholders. These dialogues were instrumental in gaining a profound understanding of their desires and requirements vis-à-vis the Industry Analysis. By aligning ourselves with their perspectives, we ensured that our analysis would be anchored in the collective wisdom of our organization.

The culmination of this multifaceted effort saw the meticulous compilation, distillation, and review of gathered insights. To preserve objectivity, we actively sought feedback from sources outside the document's creation, embracing external perspectives to refine and perfect our analysis. This collaborative and thorough approach aimed to create a finalized document that would not only reflect the full breadth of our research but also serve as an unbiased and invaluable resource for Bravo's future endeavors.


In the pursuit of conducting a robust analysis, we recognized the importance of consulting industry-leading studies, drawing upon the most recent data available in this evolving field of wellness. However, it's crucial to acknowledge a significant challenge encountered during this analysis—the inherent potential for selection bias in the observed settings. This aspect was thoughtfully addressed in the analysis, underscoring the complexity of conducting research in the wellness domain.

As highlighted within the analysis document itself:

"When data is collected to measure wellness within company programs, it's highly likely that the study lacks control. This understanding arises from the absence of randomized control trials in most wellness studies. This is due to the presence of selection bias, meaning that individuals within the trial have already made a conscious decision to participate or not in the wellness program. Wellness studies predominantly adopt an observation-based approach, focusing on established wellness programs within companies...

However, the presence of selection bias in a study does not inherently invalidate its findings. Improving someone's health, regardless of their bias, yields benefits to the organization, and these advantages can be quantified in various ways."

With this awareness, I meticulously identified studies that may or may not have been affected by selection bias, ensuring transparency in our analysis. Moreover, the analysis delved into additional critical topics, including:

  • Defining Modern Wellness: An exploration of how wellness is perceived and defined in the contemporary world, taking into account evolving societal perspectives.

  • Bravo's Niche Objective: An examination of Bravo's distinctive role within the wellness sector, elucidating the organization's specific objectives and unique positioning.

  • High-Impact Risk Analysis: A thorough assessment of high-impact risks within the wellness landscape, shedding light on potential challenges and opportunities for Bravo and its stakeholders.

This comprehensive approach to the analysis not only acknowledged the complexities of wellness research but also showcased our commitment to a holistic understanding of the field, ensuring that Bravo could make informed decisions and continue to thrive in the ever-evolving wellness industry.


Delving into a deep understanding of our competition played a pivotal role in shaping our analysis. It offered a valuable glimpse into what resonated most with users and which companies had successfully addressed the challenges within the wellness landscape. This exploration not only illuminated our competitors' achievements but also spurred a series of critical questions that guided our analysis:

  • Demonstrating Bravo's Effectiveness: How has Bravo substantiated the effectiveness of our services, distinguishing us from the competition and showcasing our unique value proposition?

  • Customizing Services: In what ways can Bravo tailor its services to align with the approaches of leading competitors, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of the wellness industry?

  • Incentive Philosophy: What philosophy underpins Bravo's approach to incentives, and how does it compare to that of other market players?

  • Empowering Participants: How does Bravo empower program participants, and how can we further enhance our strategies to stand out in the competitive landscape?

  • Measuring Success from the Participant's Perspective: In what manner does Bravo measure success from the participant's viewpoint, and how does this compare with the practices of our competitors?

The process of analyzing and comprehending our competition served as a catalyst for introspection. It challenged not only myself but also the entire UX Team to reflect on how we could continually refine and innovate our product. By scrutinizing the competition, we gained invaluable insights that propelled us toward the goal of delivering a superior and more user-centric wellness experience.


During the course of the analysis, I diligently unearthed various pain points experienced by users, including the prevalence of lifestyle diseases, diminishing productivity, and the escalating levels of stress. One crucial aspect of this research revolved around identifying the persona of individuals who actively participate in wellness programs. By defining the characteristics and needs of these individuals, we aimed to gain a deeper understanding of their motivations and aspirations.

Furthermore, the analysis encompassed an extensive array of data, addressing a wide scope of topics, including:

  • Meeting Participant Needs: Evaluating how current wellness programs fulfill participant needs and exploring opportunities for enhancement.

  • Trends and Interests: Investigating emerging trends and interests among users, providing insights into the evolving landscape of wellness.

  • Industry and Company Expectations: Analyzing the wellness preferences and requirements of various industries and organizations, guiding the tailoring of wellness programs to suit specific demographics.

  • Untapped Market Potential: Exploring untapped market segments within different industries and devising strategies to effectively serve these demographics.

  • Incentive Analysis: Investigating the factors that drive participant engagement and interest in wellness programs, shedding light on effective incentive strategies.

  • Exercise and Productivity Link: Exploring the correlation between exercise and productivity, highlighting the potential benefits of incorporating physical activity into wellness initiatives.

  • Disease Management Focus Identifying the prevalent disease management areas targeted by wellness programs, offering insights into health priorities.

  • Communication Strategies: Examining effective communication strategies tailored to individual wellness programs, optimizing engagement and participation.

  • Leadership Engagement: Evaluating the engagement of leadership at all organizational levels in wellness programs, gauging its impact on program success.

  • Continuous Improvement: Defining the components of continuous program improvement, fostering a commitment to ongoing enhancement and optimization.

This comprehensive analysis not only identified pain points but also illuminated a myriad of opportunities to enhance the user experience within the wellness domain. It aimed to empower Bravo and its stakeholders with the knowledge and insights necessary to develop innovative and effective wellness programs that address the evolving needs of participants and organizations alike.


Subsequent to the initial stages of the analysis, I facilitated a series of collaborative sessions with Bravo Wellness stakeholders, fostering an environment for the exploration of additional insights and ideas. These collaborative sessions sought to address key questions, including:

  • Participant Information: What specific information do you seek to glean about the participant, fostering a deeper understanding of their needs and preferences?

  • Client Information: What insights about the client are of paramount importance, contributing to a more holistic comprehension of their wellness program objectives?

  • Data-Informed Approach: How can we harness a data-informed approach to effectively address participant needs, ensuring that our strategies align with their expectations and aspirations?

In parallel, to enhance the accessibility and utility of the Industry Analysis for stakeholders, I introduced the Industry Analysis Key Insights. This condensed resource distilled the most critical information and insights, presenting them in a format that was both digestible and conducive to stakeholder feedback and perspectives.

These collaborative endeavors were instrumental in ensuring that Bravo Wellness could leverage the collective expertise and insights of its stakeholders, aligning strategies with participant and client expectations while fostering a data-driven approach to wellness program optimization.

Miro board used to ask stakeholders questions over collaborative meeting.


Successful wellness programs have demonstrated a profound impact on participants, correlating with increased physical activity, reduced inpatient visits, and decreased healthcare expenses, as substantiated by our data.

Nonetheless, achieving genuine success in cultivating a healthy workforce hinges on expanding program participation. Many wellness initiatives struggle to surpass a participation rate of approximately 40% or even fall below this threshold. To comprehensively address this challenge, we delved into the barriers that deter individuals from engaging in wellness programs. We meticulously quantified the elements most valued by both participants and clients within a wellness program, laying the foundation for the optimal execution of this vision.

Crucially, our research underscored the imperative for enhanced outreach and greater flexibility, particularly catering to blue-collar and low-income workers, often comprising minority populations. These demographics frequently endure the most severe health-related issues, yet are often the least accommodated within wellness programs. As articulated in our research:

"Some focus group participants cited limited access to wellness benefits due to extended wait times and inflexible work schedules, resulting in an unfortunate avoidance of 11.5 cases of cardiovascular disease per 10,000 male population and 2.3 cases per 10,000 female population over a ten-year period."

This insightful analysis not only identifies the challenges but also underscores the critical need for inclusive and accessible wellness programs, extending their reach to underserved communities while promoting health equity.

One of the most impactful results from this analysis was finding how disease management versus participation management varied greatly in terms of return on investment.


Comprising more than sixty comprehensive pages, I meticulously crafted a document that serves as a definitive guide, poised to shape and influence forthcoming decisions within Bravo Wellness.

During the presentation to the Product team, the impact of this document resonated profoundly, as evidenced by one team member's remark, "I wish we had this document when I first started here!" Such positive feedback was not only gratifying but also underscored the significance of the work I had undertaken.

Empowered by the capacity to leverage this data for informed decision-making, our team has gained a newfound sense of confidence in its ability to drive meaningful impact and wield influence within the realm of user experience at Bravo Wellness.


Bravo Participant Experience


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